E-Safety – often defined as the safe and responsible use of technology.


The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) both in and outside of school can create fantastic opportunities and can have many benefits. However, it is as equally important to recognise potential issues, which may arise around E-Safety. Being aware of and regularly monitoring will help ensure appropriate, effective and safer use of electronic communications (e.g. text messages, online messaging, social media, gaming devices, e-mail etc.).


At Stanhope Primary School, we believe it is vitally important to educate our young people about the benefits, risks and responsibilities of using ICT. This includes discussions around behaviour and attitudes, sharing scenarios as well as teaching about security.


Useful sites:








Top tips:

  1. Set a good example to your children – model good behaviour online.
  2. Monitor screen time – set limits for yourself and your family.
  3. Keep screens where you can see them – no phones in bedroom at night
  4. Choose kindness – Be sociable with social media not anti-social.
  5. Teach your child to stay in control of their digital footprint.
  6. Do not overshare – protect your family’s privacy.
  7. Know whom your children are friends with online.
  8. Teach your children to keep location and settings private.
  9. Make sure you use parental controls or monitoring apps.
  10. Communicate with your child – reach an agreement about what works best for your family.


PEGI Ratings:

Age ratings are systems used to ensure that entertainment content, such as films, videos, DVDs, and computer games, are clearly labelled for the age group for which they are most suitable. Age ratings provide guidance to consumers (particularly parents) to help them decide whether to buy a particular product.