Composition of the Governing Body

1 Head Teacher

2 Staff Governor

6 Co-opted Governors

2 Parent Governors

1 Local Authority Governor



Members of the Governing Body at Stanhope Primary School 2024-2025

The Chair of Governors

Mrs A Hetherington (LEA Govenor)


The Vice Chair of Governors

Mr Douglas Mather (Co-opted Governor)


Staff Governors

Mrs A Ali


Parent Governor

Mr A Adebiyi


Other members of the board

Mr John Hetherington (Co-opted Governor)


Mrs H Judd (Co-opted Governor)


Mrs K Reed (Co-opted Governor)


Mrs G Boardman (Co-opted Governor)

Deputy Head Teacher


Mr S Pearson (Co-opted Governor)


If you wish to contact any of our school Governors, please email [email protected] and mark the email to the attention of the necessary Governor.


Structure and Terms of Office

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