Yesterdayour 24 Tag Rugby players competed at Boldon School in the South Tyneside Finals.
Our 3 teams competed with wonderful team spirit, composure and focus.
The children gave 100% to their team in each and every game.
Our A Team topped the table to move forward to the Semi Finals. Our B Team won 4 games, but lost 1 to just miss out on advancing. The C Team won 1 game and lost 2.
Our A Team, supported by the B and C Teams played Lord Blyton A in the Semi Final winning 4-3.
They then played a very high quality final against Monkton A who were highly skilled and took an early lead. However, our brilliant defence and perseverance with attacking resulted in 2 trys from Bobby Sharp (Captain) to win the game 2-1 and take gold 🏉🥇🏆.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the pupils for their commitment and hard work. It’s been a privilege to coach and teach them, seeing them thrive and develop into great sportspeople. Congratulations and always remember that hard work does pay off. I’m so proud of you all and every child who represents us in the green and yellow of Stanhope. 😊👍👋👏