In school support used –


E-Safety is delivered in the form of a themed week, discussing staying safe on the internet. Additionally, our ICT coordinator and wellbeing officer are available for our children and parents to discuss any issues/concerns – incidents are recorded on CPOMs.


Kidsafe encourages our pupils to be aware of their own safety and provides them with guidance on the necessary steps they ought to take. It is equipping children with the skills needed to protect themselves from all forms of abuse.


Operation Encompass visited and delivered sessions to years 1-6 throughout 2018/19 and continues this academic year. The focus of the sessions was to give the children an understanding of positive, safe relationships and what they can do if they feel someone is making them feel unsafe.


Stanhope’s Wellbeing Officer Mrs Riches offers specific 1-2-1, small group or whole class teaching using a variety of methods to suit the specific needs of our children. Our children are given the opportunity to talk about their Health and Wellbeing, as well as relationships. An Ad Hoc service is also offered to all children should they need someone to talk to regarding any difficulties they may be experiencing.


The Emotional Resilience Team provides regular sessions for children in KS2 who have been referred by our Wellbeing Officer. The Team focuses on resilience, specialist bereavement support and specialist transition support for year 6 children.


The Healthy Minds Team offers support to our young people who are having difficulty with aspects of their mental health. The Team provides various interventions, including, FRIENDS resilience programme (KS1 & KS2), Online support and direct interventions with a focus on CBT. Bethan our Healthy Minds link comes into school to offer consultations, assemblies, coffee mornings and whole class sessions.


Lunchtime support is provided by our Wellbeing Officer, Mrs Shone (adult playmaker) and all of the Supervisory Assistants. Stanhope Steps takes place over lunchtime to support our mental health and wellbeing along with promoting positive behaviour.


Wellbeing Warriors  Our Wellbeing Warriors have the skills to support their peers when they are in need of some help thanks to their peer mentoring sessions with Bethan. They are out on both break and lunchtimes to help promote positive relationships, friendships and emotional support.


Out of school support –

We know that good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults. This highlights the fact that Mental Health is ongoing with a need to develop outside of school as well as in school.


There are many services in South Tyneside which children and parents can access when in need. 

The Healthy Minds team –

The Healthy Minds Team provide a free and confidential NHS service for children and young people who attend a school or college in South Tyneside and/or are registered with a local GP to improve mental health outcomes for children and young people.

We offer evidence-based treatments, including individual, group, and family work, for a variety of common mental health issues, these may include:

  • Low Mood and Depression
  • Worry and Anxiety
  • Controlling Anger & Emotions
  • Bereavement/Loss
  • Bullying
  • Self-Harming Behaviours
  • Relationship & Family Difficulties
  • Building Self Esteem
  • Developing Resilience


If you want support but do not want to speak to your teachers or school, you or your parents can contact our Single Point of Contact Service by telephone on 0191 283 2937.


The Lifecycle Service is a single point of contact for anyone living in South Tyneside who is experiencing mental health issues. You can contact Lifecycle directly, and they will make sure that you get support from the best place. If you are 16 or over, you can contact Lifecycle yourself. If you are under 16, please ask a parent or carer to contact them for you. Find out what the service offers and how to contact them, at Lifecycle Service.


Who to contact in an emergency?

The attached document indicates Mental Health and Wellbeing Support available for children and young people in England. The NHSE, DfE, PHE have collaborated on this as a resource to be used by staff, parents and young people.

Adult and Children’s Services

Intensive Community Treatment Service (ICTS) – Support with serious mental health concerns. The ICTS can support with:

  • Significant emotional and/or psychological distress,
  • Suicide threats, intention to commit suicide, or actual attempts to commit suicide,
  • Significant increase in risky behaviours, which may cause serious harm or death to yourself or others,
  • Serious overdose threats
  • Serious self-harming behaviours



Under 16 years old: 0191 566 5500        Over 16 years old: 0303 123 1145

Escape Intervention Service – offers counselling and support groups for mental health issues including: bereavement, domestic violence, family issues, anxiety, substance misuse, gambling, victim of abuse, anger management, divorce and self-harm. Offers complementary therapies and support for parents.

Kooth Online Mental Health Community