Stanhope Steps –
Stanhope Steps is a new school challenge which will take place at lunchtime each day. The aim is to improve physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our pupils. All pupils take part and complete 5 laps of a planned route daily. Each half term we will have incentive challenges which enables pupils to get rewards for their hard work and determination. So far our Stanhope Steps have been a hit and our pupils are giving positive feedback daily –
“I love doing my steps” – Pupil from YEAR 1
“I like it because it’s healthy for you, it gets the blood pumping from your heart and it makes me feel calm” – Pupil from YEAR 2
“I feel happy just running” – Pupil from YEAR 3
“Stanhope Steps makes me feel happy because I like to run with my friends, we get to chat at the same time” – Pupil from YEAR 4
“It feels nice to be able to be good at something and get rewarded” – Pupil from YEAR 6
1-1 and group sessions –
Our children enjoy the work they do to develop their own wellbeing and they put such a lot of effort into every activity they complete. In this section we will celebrate their achievements by displaying the work some pupils complete in their sessions with Mrs Riches, we hope you enjoy what they have done.
Reception – October 2024
Some pupils from Reception enjoyed reading “THE JAR OF HAPPINESS” story, we had a great discussion around the meaning behind this story and talked about how we could implement something special in our daily lives to make us feel happy if we ever felt low. Together we decided to make our own version of a jar of happiness, the pupils worked together to create one to take home. They used empty bottles and filled them with water, glue and food colouring, they then added the happiness in which consisted of glitter, pom pom, beads and sequins. As you can see these “jars of happiness” are already fulfilling their purpose!